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To understand why Mobile Phones are deadly, it is imperative that we thoroughly understand the science of electromagnetism. Armed with this understanding, we are then able to discern the complex science of EMF technology.

But hang in there because we have simplified the science for you.

The Keywords to understand are SPACE, PHYSICAL VACCUM and TORSION FIELD.

We all understand what SPACE is. It is that emptiness between things. Imagine a cylindrical glass tube covered at both ends. You can see through the glass, and you can imagine that there is nothing but SPACE between the two ends. 

But Physicists will tell you that SPACE is not empty, and you can also imagine that there is air in between the ends of the glass jar.

But if you can imagine removing all that air in the jar, there will still be something present. When all the air is removed, what we have left are particles or charges. These charges are billions of times smaller than the diameter of the human hair.

These particles are crucial for our electronic and digital world. Radio waves, TV signals, WIFI and Satellite communication operate using these particles, described as the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Remember that the particles or charges are still present when the air in the jar is removed. Now imagine removing even the minuscule particles so that there is absolutely nothing in the jar. At this point, Physicists say that we have created a PHYSICAL VACCUM.

And this is when things start to get very interesting. 

Scientists agree that even when all particles are removed, there appears to be something else present in the PHYSICAL VACUUM, and experiments can demonstrate this.


Many Physicists consider this PHYSICAL VACCUM as a universal torsion-wave carrying MEDIUM, and this medium interacts with particles to produce a TORSION FIELD.

At this point, physics splits into Classical physics, which only looks at solid particles and Non-classical physics, which examines the TORSION FIELD generated by the particles.

Unlike the solid particles of Classical Physics that cause damage by heating tissues, the invisible particles or TORSION FIELD of Non-classical physics do not damage the body by heat but instead disrupts the body’s cellular communication causing chronic diseases and illness in the process.

The Vernada Geo and other EMF Protectors by Spinor generate a counter wave to neutralise the TORSION FIELD.


Mobile phone manufacturers never consider NON CLASSICAL physics that looks at the invisible wave-particle that generates TORSION FIELDS.  They only look at CLASSICAL physics, which focuses on solid particles. And the danger of mobile phones is not from the solid particles they generate because these particles do not heat human tissues.

 However mobile phone emits TORSION FIELDS which are scientifically proven to cause damage to our cells. The billions of cells in the body that make up the entire body interact by frequency or vibration similar to those from mobile phones’ torsion field. These vibrations from mobile phones interact with the frequency of our cells and disrupt their communication.

One of the most comprehensive studies ever carried out on Mobile Phone’s dangers is called the REFLEX project. It took several years to complete and was done by scientists from several European countries and funded by the EU. The study from REFLEX showed that EMF from Mobile Phones, WIFI, mobile phone stations etc., have a detrimental effect on the human body.

The report has cast serious doubt on the mobile phone safety unit known as SAR that manufacturers recommend for determining the human body’s safety.

SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate, and in experiments to determine the SAR for a mobile phone, the human brain is represented by a bag of salt.

In general, any cell phone at or below SAR levels of 1.6 W/kg is considered a ‘SAFE PHONE’.  In the EU, a SAR value up to 2W/kg has been allowed, while the US’s permissible SAR value is 1.6 W/kg.

The Studies done by the REFLEX project found damage to the human genes when exposed to a SAR of 0.05W/kg, and this is one-fortieth of the current valid exposure limit of Mobile Phones.


Remember the particles or charges that are left in the glass jar when we remove all the air? These solid particles or charges make up what is known as the ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM (EMF). And the interaction of these particles with the PHYSICAL VACUUM creates the TORSION FIELD.

The electromagnetic spectrum is a spectrum of energies that fill what we consider to be space.

The EMF spectrum includes visible light, UV rays, Radio waves, Sound, Microwave, X-rays and Gamma rays. These spectrums of energy generate TORSION FIELDS.


EMF radiation is emitted from the ground beneath us. And these frequencies can be harmful to the body, in which case they become known as GEOPATHIC STRESS. Geo means ‘earth’, and ‘Patho’ means disease. So Geopathic means disease of the earth.

Scientists have identified two main electromagnetic fields that traverse the ground.

These EMFs are known as the HARTMANN and CURRY LINES, named after the medical doctors that discovered them. The doctors found that these lines sometimes intersect and at the intersection point will cause disease when the human body spends time on the intersections. These intersection points or Geopathic Stress points occur where underground rivers, caverns, caves, gas pipes, and electricity lines occur under the earth.

Geopathic stress causes many diseases, including cancer, heart diseases, chronic fatigue, Musculoskeletal problems and immune dysfunction. The presence of a geopathic burden may cause chronic diseases that are defying all forms of treatment.

Vernada Geo is scientifically proven to Neutralise Geopathic or Geopathogenic Stress.


Scientific studies carried out by the manufacturers of Vernada Geo; Spinor International clearly demonstrate that Cell phone towers and base stations, and even wind turbines installed at the intersection of fault zones ( areas of Geopathogenic stress) generate very harmful radiations. These radiations cause changes in behaviour, states of aggression or depression (sometimes to the point of suicide), constant fatigue, sleep problems, partial loss of memory, problems with concentration and stress.

The harmful radiations produced by such electronic devices like cell phone towers generate toxic free radicals inside the human body. Free radicals are now known to be the cause of chronic inflammation, and chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of every severe disease known to man.

How Vernada Geo Protects the body – When the Vernada Geo device is plugged into the powerline, it harmonises the PHYSICAL VACUUM by neutralising the harmful TORSION FIELD generated by devices.


Breeding of Cows in the Vosges-

A farmer had a problem of dying cows over the years. In the three years prior, he had lost 76 cows and calves, the white cell count had increased, milk production and fertility had also gone down. The calves remained rickety, and the cows no longer wanted to enter the breeding room and were nervous. The problem was neither from the food health or genetics of the animals.

 Spinor researchers found that the problem was related to the building’s position on the same fault line as a tower with antennas located at 3.4 km and a high voltage transformer located next to the breeding room. Vernada Geo neutralised the detrimental effects of the pylon, the transformer and some electrical equipment of the milking plant. The result was immediate; the cows returned smoothly to the milking parlour, where they remained calm,  the leukocytes count decreased, and milk production increased. The loss of the calves and cows stopped, and the situation returned to normal in the fall.

Russian Academician Vlail Kaznatcheev studied the physical interaction between TORSION FIELD and the biological elements (Cells, bacteria) at the institute of clinical Experimental Medicine and the World Institute of Cosmic Anthropology (Novosibirsk, Russia). He found a negative influence of the torsion fields on the cells, and on the contrary, the right torsion fields appeared to him favourable to the living.

The Spinor Devices specifically neutralised the Left Torsion field.

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