Good cooking oils and fat are described as ‘ saturated’. This means they have a tightly built structure that makes them resistant to high heat. Bad cooking oils and fats are described as unsaturated, meaning that they have a loose and weak structure that makes them very unstable and toxic when heated.

Coconut Oil:
Over 90% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated fat making coconut oil one of the best cooking oils. An added benefit of coconut oil is that it contains healthy amounts of a special type of fat known as medium chain triglyceride (MCT) which is now acknowledged to help prevent and even reverse Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil also helps keep the skin moist and supple.

Olive Oil:
Olive oil is well-known for its health benefits and is the cornerstone of cooking in Spain. It is best when used cold for salads and to dribble over food. Olive oil contains unsaturated fats which makes it slightly unstable at high temperature. Nevertheless, it is still a cooking oil of choice. Unfortunately the olive oil market is awash with adulterated brands of extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil contains several beneficial antioxidants that help neutralize toxic free radicals that cause many chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Palm Oil:
Palm oil contains high amounts of saturated fats, making it an ideal cooking oil. Palm oil also contains high amounts of Vitamin E and Co-enzyme Q10. Unfortunately, the cultivation of palm trees is associated with the destruction of thousands of hectares of virgin forest.

Sesame Oil:
Although sesame oil contains about 40% unsaturated fat, it is still able to withstand high heat. Sesame oil is known to reduce high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

Oils to Avoid:
Oils produced from seeds, nuts and vegetables contain extremely high levels of Omega-6 fatty acids which are associated with inflammation. These oils are also highly processed and contain high levels of toxic chemicals.
Examples include:
Soybean Oil
Corn Oil
Cottonseed Oil
Canola Oil
Sun flower Oil
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The purpose of the periodic health screening is to evaluate health status, screen for risk factors and disease, and provide preventive counseling interventions in an age-appropriate manner. The goal of screening and evaluation is to prevent the onset of disease or the worsening of an existing disease. For example, measurement of blood pressure is intended to detect hypertension so as to initiate treatment and prevent subsequent morbidity (e.g., stroke or renal failure) or mortality. A further goal of the periodic health screening is to educate patients about behavioral patterns or environmental exposures that pose risks for future diseases. MedB Health Screening is excellent at picking up factors that pose risks to your health. It is non-invasive, safe and can detect over 1000 microbes – viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
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